In the beginning, we started off wanting to make a difference. We wanted to enrich lives through real estate. We started with the desire to fix something, do something better, do something that matters: raw, pure and good intentioned. We wanted to be a part of something special.
Then something happened along the way.
We wrote the book Real Estate’s “The Butterfly Effect”
Transform Your Mindset

So we began to challenge our own beliefs, starting with, “Is there a different way to look at this?” Is there a better way to help people and our organization come together and thrive? This led to more and more questions, a domino effect, and soon we found ourselves in fields of study that had been previously off limits to the real estate industry — fields that explored the mysteries of communication that we’d written off as unteachable because they fell outside the purview of our models and industry research.
Here is the biggest thing we have learned: that there is something greater at play in the field of real estate sales and leadership: when we focus on the most important values – passion, vulnerability, authenticity, connectedness and storytelling – everything falls into place, and our people and our organization thrives at the highest level.
Mike Jurecka & John Holland